During Lent each year our regular homegroups stop meeting, and we have the opportunity to gather on Wednesday evenings as a whole church, to meet new people, encourage one another, and to learn and grow as we consider the impact of God’s word on different areas of life. This year our Lent groups will run in two blocks of 3 weeks.

  • Block 1 is on Wednesday 5th, 12th and 19th March.
  • Block 2 is on Wednesday 26th March, 2nd and 9th April.

A daytime option will be provided in both blocks (10:45am for coffee, group runs 11am-12noon). Block 1 at Emmanuel. Block 2 at St John’s.

We really hope you find the groups helpful and interesting! Sign up below…


7:45pm Coffee / Tea and chat
8:00pm Meet together to sing and pray
8:10pm Groups begin
9:00pm Groups finish

What’s on offer

1. Sing a new Song

An informal session where we’ll sing through some of the newer songs from Sunday services and some potential new songs with discussion on what they are about, the scripture they’re based on and why they have been included in our repertoire.

2. Wonderfully Made – Psalm 139

For everyone aged 11 and under with their grown-ups!
An afternoon “Lent Course” focussing on Psalm 139 where you’ll spend time together as a family discovering the amazing truth that God knows you, is with you and made you, whilst playing games, reading stories and getting creative. Activities will be differentiated for different ages and you can work at your own pace and choose what works best for you and your children.
Organised and facilitated by Robin.
Note dates: Sundays 2nd, 9th and 23rd March, 3pm-3:45pm.

3. God’s Generous Welcome

In Luke’s Gospel Jesus shares food and fellowship on 10 occasions. Nothing unusual – people need to eat! But the people with whom he eats causes controversy, even as it expresses the richness of God’s grace.
Throughout the Bible the Lord’s rich and generous welcome is extended to others by His people as they share with those who are in need. Romans 12:13 commands us to “Practice hospitality.” 1 Peter 4:9 adds “without grumbling”! Come to discuss how we can put that into practise in our own homes and corporately as a church.

4. Raising Confident Kids

Our children are growing up in a confusing world. Who’s voice do they listen to? How can they discover who they are? Where can they find security? This course will help parents, grandparents and anyone involved in children’s ministry, to help young people confidently navigate a confusing world.
The second week involves an evening in Guildford hearing from Ed Drew and Faith in Kids. Tickets are £5 (suggested cost). Book tickets here.

5. Amazing Grace

As Christians, we know ‘its all about grace.’ Sometimes, though, our definition of ‘grace’ is too narrow. With a light touch on ancient languages and a lot of practical application, this course aims to open our eyes to the grace of the Triune God on every page of Scripture.

6. Hope for our Conscience – Cleansing for Guilt and Disagreeing Well

This isn’t something we talk about often, but all of us have consciences. That instinctive sense of what is right and wrong. They’re a gift from God, but sometimes they can cause us trouble, particularly around guilt and disagreement. Come think about how the gospel cleanses our conscience of guilt and transforms the way we relate to people we disagree with.

7. What if we’ve got it all wrong?

How do we know we can trust the Bible? Stories are notoriously easy to alter over the years and myths grow up around ordinary events. Is it reasonable to believe the Bible and if so why? Who wrote the creation account and how can we trust it? How do we answer questions about the gospels, do we know who wrote them, when they wrote them and why?

8. The Generosity Project

This is a great opportunity for us over 3 weeks to learn and understand what God is saying about generosity and then pray for and encourage one another to put it into practice.
– An initial video (10 to 15 mins) to watch as a group then discuss questions related to it.
– A Bible study section with passages to read and discuss together (about 20 mins). We will break into smaller groups for this.
– Questions, case studies and prayer to help us discuss and pray about what we’ve learned, and apply it to our own lives (20 mins). We will remain in our small groups for this part too. 
What do you need to do now?  Collect your copy of ‘The Generosity Project’ book from the Church Office. It has everything we need for each Bible study/video session. You can also  access the video via the Generosity Project website.

9. Jesus the Game Changer

Jesus the game changer is a documentary series on how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters. Authors,  speakers and modern day game changers are interviewed. Each evenings session is self contained so it won’t matter if you miss a week. Afterwards there is an opportunity to meet in small groups to discuss the evenings subject.

Sign Up

A sign-up form will appear below very soon…