The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is an official, elected body that shares responsibility for the Parish with the clergy and wardens. The aim of the PCC is “to co-operate with the minister in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the church: pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical” (PCC (Powers) Measure, 1956). This makes serving on the PCC an important role, and we thank God for our godly, committed members. Please pray for God’s wisdom in all our decision making. Minutes are available to members of the electoral roll on request from the church office.

Joining the PCC

Thank you for considering serving on the PCC. If you would like to stand for election at the APCM, please read the Guide for PCC members, find a proposer and seconder to complete the nomination form below, and return them to the church office. Only church members over 16 years of age, whose names have been on the electoral roll for 6 months or more, are eligible to stand. Members are elected for a 3 year term, and then have to stand down for at least a year before seeking re-election. This helps us to ensure both continuity and that new voices are heard.

Resources for PCC members

Dates of upcoming meetings (2024-25)

  • 20th June
  • 17th September at Emmanuel, Mayford
  • 19th November
  • 14th January
  • 18th February

Meetings are usually held at 8pm at St John’s Church, in the Church Lounge or Narthex, except for one meeting a year which takes place at Emmanuel Church.

Statutory Responsibilities

The following documents explain some of the statutory responsibilities of the PCC in more detail.