What is the Electoral Roll and why should I be bothered? (complete the form)
2025 is one of those years where every church is required to tear up their electoral roll and begin again. But what exactly is the electoral roll and why is it important – surely coming regularly to St. John’s is quite enough!
Of course, the simple answer to that is yes… …and no!
Being part of the family of worshippers at St John’s really ought to mean more than attending week-by-week. As those committed to serving Christ, our aim should be to serve one another. Jesus himself put a huge emphasis on serving – he left the splendour of heaven to serve us through his death. He symbolised this through the washing of his disciples’ feet, the night before he was crucified. As followers, we’re not only called to serve, but we’re adopted into a spiritual family of all believers. As those committed to God’s people here at St. John’s our desire ought to be to put our name to that commitment.
But serving one another goes beyond simply being on a list, the list brings with it an entitlement to act together in the service of Christ. It’s a requirement for anyone wishing to join the PCC or vote for someone else to join the PCC. More than that, it entitles our church family to be represented on synods in the broader church.
The way it works is that the PCC are there to support and help make decisions about the running of the parish. Representatives are also then elected to the Deanery Synod (the group of local churches) and also the Diocesan Synod, (all the churches in the Guildford Diocese) and can then be elected to represent the Diocese on the General Synod for the whole of the Anglican Communion.
Now I know what you’re thinking…. ‘How awful, who would want to do any of that!’ But we ought to see it as a responsibility and privilege that we can have a part in the direction and work of the whole Church of England. Sadly, I think evangelical parishes have for far too long, taken a very low view of getting involved in church politics and as a result we’re now complaining that the church has lost its way! I wonder how we would answer that question in glory when we’re asked what part we played in holding the church to account?
However, there’s also a pastoral element to being included on the roll. It demonstrates a desire to come under the care of the church family and its leadership. So, over the next few weeks, please will make time to complete an electoral roll form; it’s a mild annoyance in the big scheme of life. We’re planning on making the process as easy as possible even putting aside time to complete the form during some of our services.
This year may be the first time you’ve been eligible to join, maybe you’re new, maybe you recently moved, maybe you live outside the parish but are now a regular attender, or perhaps you’ve recently turned 16!
Let’s demonstrate our commitment to each other and to the wider church, but most of all our commitment to Christ our King as we go about this task with thankfulness.